Invest through CRB Token Health.

ApoE4 as a reference biomarker for the early detection of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

Innovative positioning in disease detection.

Join a health project with high impact potential.

Expected return of over 5 times the invested capital.

Apoe 4

APOE4 as a reference biomarker for the risk/prognosis of diseases related
to lipid metabolism disorders (such as Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease,
and Alzheimer’s Disease, conditions that are increasing above the population average)
and to identify and quantify this biomarker through its tests: e4Risk and e4Quant.

Avda. Francisco Vallés, 8 47151
Boecillo (Valladolid) – Spain
(+34) 983 54 98 96