Avda. Francisco Vallés, 8 47151
Boecillo (Valladolid) - Spain
(+34) 983 54 98 96

e4Quant is a new, simple and cost-effective method to quantify the apolipoprotein E4 in plasma. Biocross has adapted a proprietary and patented technology to create a quantitative test that allows the precise quantification of ApoE4 in human plasma. This technology is based in turbidimetry, a technique widely used in clinical routine for the analysis of other biomarkers. Therefore, e4Quant implementation in the clinical practice is easy, since it can be used in the chemistry analyzers already available in hospitals and clinical laboratories.
Currently Biocross exclusively offers e4Quant analysis services for research. In the coming months the test will be available for sale.
*Test based on patent nº EP 3274725 (European patent granted): “Method for apolipoprotein detection”.
*This product has been developed within the “Innovación Sanitaria Código 100” plan, implemented within a collaborative agreement framework between Servicio Gallego de Salud (Sergas) and Ministry of Science, Innovation and University from Spain (MICIU), financed in 80% by Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) 2014-2020 from Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (POPE). AB-SER1-19-025.

Key Features

Technical Information

Assay Method